by Erik Sass on May 31, 1:49 PM
A large majority of corporate executives -- 89% -- said they have a personal social media account, and 76% think it's good for CEOs (meaning, their bosses) to publicly use social media, according to a new survey of 630 execs from companies with revenues of $500 million or more conducted by Weber Shandwick and KRC Research, titled "The Social CEO."
by Erik Sass on May 30, 1:46 PM
Media types have been geekily excited for some time about the "second screen" phenomenon, in which viewers use a computer or mobile device to post social content and interact with other fans around what they're watching on TV -- but what if the social content were integrated into the TV itself?
by Erik Sass on May 29, 2:19 PM
Marketers think Facebook is an important advertising platform, but they also doubt the effectiveness of their efforts on the world's largest social network, according to a new survey of 3,000 marketing professionals conducted by Social Media Examiner.
by Erik Sass on May 28, 12:45 PM
British Facebook users are tiring of the world's leading social network, according to a new survey by YouGov, which found a 9% decrease in Facebook usage by online Brits between April 2012 and April 2013.
by Erik Sass on May 24, 2:49 PM
Surely the only thing more humiliating than being dumped is being dumped in public -- especially if there is a record of it that will live online forever. That is an increasingly common fate, judging by a new survey of 4,000 women around the world by AVG Technologies, which found that 19% of women ages 18-25 said they have ended a relationship by posting on Facebook. Meanwhile 38% of women in the same age-range said they have broken up via text message.
by Erik Sass on May 23, 5:11 PM
Even though children below age 13 aren't supposedly allowed on most social media sites, 67% of Australian "tweens" (kids ages 8-12) are socializing online, according to a new study by McAfee, based on a survey of 500 young Aussies. That figure includes 28% who use Skype and 26% who use Facebook. Perhaps more alarming for their parents is the fact that 19% of Aussie tweens say they have chatted to someone they don't know online.
by Erik Sass on May 22, 4:46 PM
Moms are more likely to share online content on social media, according to a new survey of over 200,000 mothers ages 25-54 by ShareThis and Digitas, examining the behaviors of moms across over 120 social channels.
by Erik Sass on May 21, 3:52 PM
While regulators, legislators and activists wring their hands about social media advertising and privacy issues, one important group -- teenagers, a.k.a. "the future" -- don't seem to be particularly bothered about it, according to the results of a survey of 802 teens conducted by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project in July-September 2012.
by Erik Sass on May 20, 3:19 PM
Dogs are social animals, and some are doubtless the most important relationship in their owners' lives; they've certainly got humans beat on general likeability. So it was only a matter of time before someone decided to create a social network for man's best friend -- and actually there are at least three which have launched in recent months.
by Erik Sass on May 17, 3:12 PM
I don't normally write about what celebrities are saying or doing, because I frankly don't care. But there's no denying there are plenty of people who do care, a lot, including the teens and young adults who drive trends in entertainment, style, and media technology. They might not listen to their parents, their teachers, their doctors, law enforcement officials, or anyone else wielding anything resembling authority -- but for better or worse, they do listen to celebrities.