Forget Big Data: 10 Simple Ways To Drive Revenue With 'Little' Data
    A recent study revealed that only 10% of all companies use their existing data sources in a systematic way to increase revenue.
    'Cool' Can Make For Lukewarm Marketing
    Brands seem to be in a mad rush to get ahead of the huge generational shift as far as who will be traveling over the next few decades. Millennials are seen as having an entirely different outlook on travel. They want to be able to play and work at the same time, want to stay fit and eat healthy, to get a real feel for the destination they're visiting and, of course, to remain connected at all times.
    Knowing Your Audience
    We go to great lengths to know and understand our customers. Behavioral data, preferences and profiling, personas, surveys, and on and on. We continuously collect a flood of digital information that can sometimes be overwhelming to point of "data blindness" - losing the ability to weed out the true signals from the noise.
    The Changing Face Of The Boomer Market
    New study shows distinct segmentation of the Boomer audience.
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