Vacation Planning Ain't What It Used To Be
    I struggle with how the vacation experience has evolved in the digital age. There is an upside and a downside to knowing practically everything about a hotel, destination, attraction, or restaurant prior to visiting.
    8 Tips For Landing A Dream Travel Story: 3 Editors Dish
    Savvy PR professionals plan their media outreach based on deadlines of the different editorial outlets they're targeting. But in this age of constant communications, that means travel or lifestyle editors are not only working six months or more in advance, they're also blogging, tweeting, and producing weekly or daily newsletters. Yes, content is king, and these busy editors, like travel marketing pros, need to feed that content machine. So knowing how to best provide value to travel writers and editors is critical.
    Brand USA Has Fabulous Product To Sell
    Over the next week or so, Brand USA will unveil its campaign for marketing a certain product we all know - the United States of America.
    Posting Peer Reviews On Your Website: A New Debate
    The debate over how best to handle peer reviews on hotel websites continues to rage. While there is now growing consensus for hotel brand websites to allow guests to view customer feedback, the debate has shifted to what sources make this data believable and to what degree do hotels curate the feedback to screen out false information or negative issues that have long been remediated without changing the authentic tone of the reviews.
    The Travel Alert Opportunity
    Every frequent flyer has one. A cursed airport-one that other flyers breeze through with ease but delays your every flight through its three-lettered airspace.
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