Beyond The Mommy Blogger
    If marketers are speaking to mothers only via bloggers, they are leaving two-thirds of their target audience untouched. To be successful, marketers must utilize a variety of channels to create a meaningful dialogue with mothers. Here are some tips.
    Reaching Moms Through Schools
    A through-school marketing program cuts through the clutter in the competitive marketing-to-moms space by putting a brand's message directly in front of a key demographic -- moms with school-age kids -- at a time and place when they are especially tuned in to messages and products that speak to their families' unique needs.
    Mindset Matters
    Let's move beyond simply looking at where moms spend their time, and focus on what they are trying to accomplish at that moment. Right here, right now. Clearly, mindset really does matter.
    Invite Diversity To Your Brand's Blogger Retreat
    Race was a heated topic of discussions during a session on the State of the Momosphere at BlogHer 2007, the popular women's blogging conference. Specifically, women of color spoke out about feeling ignored by marketers who seemed to favor white women in their PR efforts. Nearly two years later, this is still a hot-button issue.
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