The Clunky Genius Of The Amazon Dash Button Launch
    Forging into the future, Amazon has made its Dash Buttons available to Amazon Prime members.
    New Moms More Inclined To Shop Healthy
    While browsing through the new live-streaming video app, Periscope, I recently came across a pregnant woman searching for healthy body care products in the supermarket. Like so many others, this first-time mom was on a mission to convert over to healthier products, in hopes that she could decrease the amount of unnecessary, and potentially harmful, chemicals in her body. Given my focus on marketing to moms, I was thrilled to virtually shop along with this new mom on Periscope. I watched as she carefully examined the ingredients listed on shampoo, lotions and soaps.
    Periscope Up
    I admit it; I'm crazy about Periscope. A relative newborn on the social media scene, Periscope is the iPhone app that lets you live stream video through Twitter from virtually anywhere in the world. An industry article earlier this month reports 10 million Periscope users with almost 2 million account holders opening the app on a daily basis. Hearing the buzz a few months ago, I downloaded the app to see what the hype was about with this new video tool.
    As Women And Girls Take Off, Are Marketers Keeping Up?
    I've been spending some wonderful quality time with my 10-year-old daughter this summer, yet I can't stop thinking about the fact that no matter how I parent at home, there are still so many external factors that may get in the way of the confident young adult I hope she will become.
    The 2015 Ahalogy Pinterest Media Consumption Study
    Pinterest is fascinating. Its volume of curated content alone is impressive, but as a user, I am always amazed at how beautiful a page of pins looks after it is populated. Seasonal boards come alive without barely lifting a finger to pin crafty projects and rich images. You can't say that about Twitter or Facebook, whose content is fleeting and not as visually organized.
    Useful Is The New Cool With Millennial Parents
    Did you know that one in four Millennials is a parent and in the next 10 to 15 years, Millennial women will give birth to babies at a rate of 10,000 per day? Incredible when you consider that each year there are approximately 4,000 first-time moms in the U.S. alone.
    Moms Want More Information On Retail Shelves
    In my work I often have the opportunity to shop in retail stores with mothers. I always like to ask women I shop with how much consideration or research they might put into some of their purchase choices for their families, like food. With moms in particular, I've found that although they tell us that they want to know more about their food, oftentimes they are not willing to put much effort into it.
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