Tune Into Her With 10 Tactics
    Research data and philosophical approaches toward engaging mothers are often written about here. Today, I'm going for practical and immediate tips to improve your mom-marketing.
    So Many Blogs, So Little Time
    What continues to amaze me is the sheer proliferation of ways to approach the mom consumer. It's mind-boggling and ever-changing. Unlike traditional advertising and promotions, which offer myriad ways to reach the consumer, the online space is on hyper-drive.
    Moms Can Put the 'Happy' in Holiday Sales
    As the leaves turn colors and the temperature falls, it's time for marketers to think seriously about their holiday marketing efforts and how to turn connections with moms into sales. It's not too late to reach the powerful Mom Market.
    Market Your Health-focused Message Through Schools
    With a targeted offer and the right messaging and execution, a through-school marketing program can be one of the most effective ways to engage health-focused moms, create brand goodwill and build long-term brand loyalty.
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