
Mini USA Uses AI To Create Shareable 'Inner Voice' Videos

Mini USA is launching a digital campaign that uses AI to allows consumers to generate a video telling themselves why they need to buy a Mini Cooper SE electric vehicle. 

With the help of AI voice cloning and deep fake technology, users can have a conversation with themselves. The AI version will give more reasons to buy a Mini Electric, and then it creates a sharable video optimized for social platforms. 

The AI, which is optimized for mobile, creates a version of the user that looks and sounds *almost* exactly like them — except for one very important detail: the voice is in a lower  frequency, so it sounds more like the voice people actually hear in their heads.

The effort is part of Mini’s annual Summer Campaign from creative AOR Pereira O’Dell and is titled, "Trust Your Inner Mini-Logue.”



When it comes to buying an EV, consumers often consider the unselfish reasons — the environment, future generations, cost savings, etc. While other car companies lean into these reasons, Mini says the real reason people buy a Mini Electric is to treat themselves. 

Historic data shows that Minis are most often purchased as a household’s second or third car, with the top purchase reason being that Minis are fun to drive. 

Better than any car salesman or dealership, the most persuasive voice in a car buying journey is inside the customer’s own head, per the automaker.  

“Mini loves being on the cutting edge of technology yet staying playful to convince Americans to go electric using the exciting frontier of AI,” said Patrick McKenna, department head, marketing, product and atrategy, Mini USA, in a release. “We’re giving individuals the chance to connect with their inner AI self and convince themselves on the value of a Mini electric vehicle in a fun and engaging way.”

The effort, which also includes a series of spots across digital and social media channels, debuted July 10. 

The spots will feature Unreal Engine MetaHuman animations: floating, talking heads showing the internal dialogues of someone attempting to convince themself about the many reasons why owning a Mini Electric makes perfect sense.

“Everyone’s first reaction to hearing their own voice is usually the same, ‘do I really sound like that?’” says Jordan Strode-Young, creative director at Pereira O’Dell, in a release. “We want people to hear that inner voice they’re so familiar with. It’s been a fun challenge working with Current Studios to get that voice—your voice—just right.”

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