by Diane Mermigas on Dec 21, 9:08 PM
The digital interactive marketplace will continue to take shape and even make strides in 2009. IPG Emerging Media Labs identifies five trend areas to watch next year, related to browsers, conversation, transmission, retail and consumer tech.
by Diane Mermigas on Dec 19, 8:00 AM
Although 2009 is expected to be as difficult an economic year as companies and individuals have experienced, the continuing entrenchment and endearment of digital interactivity suggests a glass half-full future.
by Diane Mermigas on Dec 18, 8:00 AM
How companies respond to trends in 2009 can mean the difference between success and failure. At a time when the vise is tightening--with an imploding economy on one end and the exploding digital revolution on the other-- the difference can come in the blink of an eye. Here are 11 notable trends to watch.
by Diane Mermigas on Dec 17, 7:31 AM
The economic pain of a protracted recession will shape everything about 2009. But it won't stop the development of important new business models. Here's a road map for that challenging environment.
by Diane Mermigas on Dec 16, 7:45 AM
A Pew Internet survey concludes that mobile devices--more like smartphones than laptops--will be the primary connecting tool for people throughout the world by 2020. It will take that long for the makers of interactive goods and services to catch up to the ways consumers intuitively use Web connectivity.
by Diane Mermigas on Dec 15, 7:45 AM
The prospect of a ubiquitous, anytime, wireless connected world is what digital dreams are made of. It is the pot of gold at the end of the broadband rainbow for media and Internet mavericks. It's also unbelievably expensive, requiring roughly $200 billion in startup costs.
by Diane Mermigas on Dec 12, 8:00 AM
As interactivity becomes ubiquitous on wireless devices---including smartphones and PDAs with larger screens--the proliferation of games will prevail even in tough times. Video games are poised to prove themselves recession-proof--and worthy of TV network consideration.
by Diane Mermigas on Dec 11, 7:30 AM
The only sure thing in the current economic quagmire is the exploding options and issues related to video distribution and the continuing hunt for the secrets to monetization. Call it media's crusade for the Holy Grail.
by Diane Mermigas on Dec 10, 7:30 AM
Tribune is a classic textbook case on how not to take a media company private, especially in hard times. But the real tragedy will be if Zell fails to use Chapter 11 restructuring to give it a new lease on life and undertake a dramatic digital revolution.
by Diane Mermigas on Dec 9, 8:00 AM
No amount of Magic Kingdom fairy dust can save Walt Disney Co. from the same recession pain as its peers, despite its brilliant, lucrative management of its branded assets against cyclical headwinds during the past three years.