by Diane Mermigas on Jun 26, 3:38 PM
Connectivity has reached utility status with a force that is profoundly shaping content and advertising. Too many media-related companies mistakenly believe their conventional business models will simply transfer over to a connected marketplace. They won't.
by Diane Mermigas on Jun 22, 8:00 AM
The impact of accelerating pay models cannot be underestimated: Newspaper publishers and studios will reconsider charging for online content, while consumers' love of devices and what they load on them could cripple the Freemium paradigm.
by Diane Mermigas on Jun 15, 7:30 AM
Looking beyond the simplistic notion that Internet video eventually will decimate traditional media distribution, content economics can yield some surprising insights about a world that will be dominated by the Internet Bypass.
by Diane Mermigas on Jun 8, 7:30 AM
If economic stabilization has begun, what will it mean to media companies and the advertising and marketing business that bind them? We need to achieve an equilibrium between historical and new expectations .Clinging to broken business models and expectations on permanently improved spending would be a mistake.
by Diane Mermigas on Jun 1, 7:47 AM
Who would have thought the digital media revolution would bring imploding conglomerates and enterprising startups to the same place? They are struggling to reinvent themselves and forge profitable business models in the untamed interactive jungle. Not all will or should survive, but there are steps they can take to get in the groove.
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