by Diane Mermigas on Jul 29, 2:27 PM
Just as the massive adoption of Apple's iPad and powerful apps has threatened Google's open-source Web stranglehold, the just-emerging HTML5 program language will change the media landscape for producers and marketers.
by Diane Mermigas on Jul 22, 3:36 PM
Television's program development system remains largely devoid of core incubator creativity, where cost-effective risk and failure can render something new.
by Diane Mermigas on Jul 15, 6:56 PM
News Corp.'s intense focus throughout the hacking scandal is on salvaging the Murdoch empire and a second pass at acquiring the 61% of BSkyB it doesn't own. The tattered Fifth Estate is being treated like mere collateral damage.
by Diane Mermigas on Jul 8, 3:03 PM
Facebook's Skype deal exemplifies new apps and strategic alliances aimed at using the social network to create a marketing and entertainment video-sharing economy worth billions.
by Diane Mermigas on Jul 1, 4:35 PM
Facebook is quickly moving to leverage its more than 600 million global active users (70% are outside the U.S.), 50 million active mobile users and $85 billion private-market value. It's geared up to drive social marketing and commerce.
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