by Diane Mermigas on Oct 29, 5:18 PM
It was a no-brainer for Ross Levinsohn to grab the opportunity to lift Yahoo out of its chronic doldrums and off the interactive sidelines. The man is a builder.
by Diane Mermigas on Oct 26, 3:38 PM
Mobile ad spending is ramping faster than predicted, growing more than six-fold from 2009 to nearly $2.55 billion in 2014. But the changing dynamics driving it will have a more profound impact on marketing and media business models
by Diane Mermigas on Oct 15, 5:36 PM
If you don't have a mobile strategy, you don't have a growth plan. The number of people accessing the Internet from mobile devices will outpace the PC within five years.
by Diane Mermigas on Oct 8, 4:31 PM
The content conundrum would be less of an albatross for all traditional media seeking digital footing if the players reconciled a few basic truths.
by Diane Mermigas on Oct 3, 9:56 PM
To make the most of combined assets, Steve Burke will need to reinvent -- not simply integrate -- portions of NBC Universal and Comcast when the entities merge. He also has a chance to rejuvenate the content and ad businesses.
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