by Nina Lentini on Jan 31, 8:00 AM
Media buyers today walk a tightrope in the divisive political atmosphere that spills over into news. "Brand guys want to stay away," Matt Sweeney, chief investment officer at GroupM, bluntly said. But GroupM remains bullish -- on Mike Bloomberg? Listen in!
by Nina Lentini on Jan 31, 8:00 AM
Alison Pepper, SVP, Government Relations at the 4As, suggests a hybrid approach, regulation that would bar companies from using information gleaned via tracking for college admissions, employment decisions, insurance rate decision. "Baseline privacy legislation addresses those harms." Do you agree?
by Nina Lentini on Jan 31, 8:00 AM
Albert Thompson, Managing Director of Digital at Walton Isaacson, says privacy needs to take a page from gaming. There should be different levels from 'Track me' to 'Here are certain things I want you to know about me' to 'I'm off the grid.'"
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