by Nina Lentini on Sep 19, 2:55 PM
The company sought a balance between experience and business KPIs and measured a happiness score using App Store ratings with focus on each app initiative. Next, it had to convince the organization to build all of this, "not an easy thing to do," Rahul Subramany said. See how they pulled this off!
by Staff Writers on Sep 19, 2:55 PM
Attorney Nathaniel Bessey advised the most crucial thing you can do is to communicate in your privacy policy how you collect information and what you do with it. Also, have a plan for if or when there is a data incident, a breach, or if information is inadvertently sent to someone.
by Staff Writers on Sep 19, 2:55 PM
"Remember getting lost? My kids are, like, that's so stupid. I don't miss getting lost. How about searching for something? [Apps are a way] to organize time and energy. There are serious questions but from a productivity standpoint, I'd be a mess without technology." See who said that!
by Staff Writers on Sep 19, 2:55 PM
"We didn't have a paid subscription until a few years ago. We had put the product in the store. It was a huge mistake." The company boosted the app price to $20 and still people are buying it. He advised app developers to focus on subscription. Guess which brand this is!
by Staff Writers on Sep 19, 2:55 PM
Three ways to test whether your push notification is worth it, both to you and the customer: "Is it compatible with the core purpose of the digital experience? Does it anticipate or speak to a customer need or pain point? And, three, is timeliness the absolutely important factor?"
by Nina Lentini on Sep 9, 8:15 AM
Abhishek Jadon, Senior Director - Consumer Data and Digital Strategy, PepsiCo, spoke about the brand's challenges and dynamics that are not unique and noted "contextual marketing" during his talk. Listen in.
by Staff Writers on Sep 9, 8:15 AM
"We're the official feed sponsor there. Horse feed is extremely technical and a high-research product. Think of the involvement people have with their dog's food and put it on steroids." Hear more from Bonnie Brannigan, VP, Retail Marketing, Kalmbach Feeds, Inc.
by Staff Writers on Sep 9, 8:15 AM
Some of the videos the brand produced speak to differentiation. One is about women's role in farming. One in three farms is owned by women and women do most of the financial work in all farms. The music video flipped the script on Old MacDonald with a "she-i-o," which was well received. Listen to it here!
by Staff Writers on Sep 9, 8:15 AM
As CMO Tom Dixon put it, "We had low household penetration and low buy rates but otherwise, it was perfect." It needed to reframe the category as protein snacking and to expand not only the eating occasions but also the audience that consumed beef jerky. Here, he explains how Jack Link's keeps it real.
by Staff Writers on Sep 9, 8:15 AM
Dan Rosen, Marketing Ad Creative Director, said the company did so to gain access to data about what people are interested in buying so that it can move forward eventually with offering color lenses or other types of lenses.