• Print is Definitely Not Dead (for W Hotels)
    Far from being dead, print is actually a major driver of local business for W Austin, particularly for its restaurant and spa businesses. By taking out full-page ads touting strategic lunchtime offers in a series of well-read publications local to the Texas capital, W has been able to drive new traffic and retain repeat customers, Lauren Travis, Area Director of Marketing, Central Region, W Hotels revealed during her keynote interview at the Brand Marketer Insider Summit in Austin last week.
  • News Feeds: Your Personalized Echo Chamber?
    News feeds keep feeding you what you want to see and hear, so how do people learn to absorb opposition viewpoints in the era of social media? As Tom Januszewski, Director of Business Development, the Associated Press says, you have to look at who's making all of this possible: advertisers. Januszewski says advertisers should step in and tell large vendors like Facebook that they won't stand for lies being served to people alongside their brand names.
  • How Live Shows Your Brand Cares
    There is something that shows both how you're in the moment, and how you care about going live, Lincoln Lopez, VP, Marketing and Social Media, T-Mobile, told the OMMA at SXSW audience during the Live From Your Favorite Brand: Marketing into the Live Stream panel in Austin, TX last week. It's raw but it's also authentic, which gives it an amazing power, and consumers appreciate that, Lopez added.
  • Live Streaming and Expectations: the Bar is Changing
    Consumer expectations for live streaming are necessarily different to those on TV and other legacy media. You no longer need or have the luxury of six months to launch a campaign, Victor Lee, SVP, Digital Marketing told the OMMA at SXSW panel, "Live from Your Favorite Brand: Marketing into the Live Video Stream." The bar is changing, he added.
  • Fake News Matters Most During Campaign Cycles
    People consume news from many outlets these days outside of social media feeds, including the darker corners of the Web, but this is a very self-selecting crowd, Jim Rutenberg, Media Columnist, The New York Times, told the OMMA at SXSW panel "Disrupting Democracy: Fighting Fakers and Haters in the Post-Fact Era." In political campaigns this group matters a lot, but they do not matter in terms of the day-to-day governing of the country, he said.
  • Alexa Integrations and Creative Limitations
    Amazon's Alexa may be leading the charge into a voice-powered future, but creative limitations abound for third parties trying to leverage the auditory chat bot, panelists explained during the OMMA at SXSW panel, "Talk to the Brand: AI, Bots and Conversational Marketing." Part of the problem, Steph Hay, Head of Conversation Design for Capital One, says, is that Amazon doesn't share customer feedback data with third party customers, like her brand.
  • Voice: the New Trojan Horse
    Voice computing is one of two defining technologies we will see in the next 20 years alongside autonomous cars, Ben Gaddis, President, T3, told the MediaPost Brand Marketers Insider Summit audience in Austin, TX last week. Why, because voice is really a Trojan Horse into artificial intelligence. Amazon's Alexa, he says, has actually democratized voice computing by bringing it to the masses.
  • Celebs + Meaningful Engagement= Ultimate Influence
    Meaningful Engagement is what makes Mizzen + Main's roster of sports celebrity endorsers the ultimate influencers, as the apparel brand's husband-and-wife co-founding team told the Brand Marketing Insider Summit audience in Austin, TX last week. From J.J. Watt of the Houston Texans to Chicago Cubs pitcher Jake Arietta to American tennis pro John Isner, Mizzen + Main lets world class athletes espouse their brand message, instead of doing it themselves.
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