by Steve Smith on Jun 17, 8:21 AM
"News needs to do two things right now," Daily Beast Editor-in-Chief John Avlon declared at the Publishing Insider Summit earlier this month. "We need to call b**ls**t. And we need to make important stories interesting." And publishers need to eschew clickbait, easy growth and recognize that "influence matters more than scale for its own sake."
by Staff Writers on Jun 17, 8:21 AM
Who are legacy media brands really competing with, now? Is US Weekly competing with People anymore, or is it really vying with Google and Facebook? American Media's Brian Kroski argued the latter. Smithsonian's CDO Bill Allman and Reuter's VP John Toth drilled into their perceived competition as well as the ways in which they distinguish their audience's state of mind from the big platforms.
by Staff Writers on Jun 17, 8:21 AM
One of the quiet success stories among legacy media in the digital era has been lifestyle, home and hearth publisher Meredith. Just as the magazines' power always rested in their "lists" of deep info about consumers, the modern Meredith is all about getting deeper and better information about their readers than even Google and Facebook.
by Steve Smith on Jun 17, 8:21 AM
Don't just leverage the major social platforms - co-opt them, says SourceMedia's CMO Matthew Yorke. He explains how his high-CPM b2b publishing brands are using social analytics and their own first party data to target users on Facebook and Twitter with specific content and packaged advertising that drives readers to O&O sites that monetize at much higher ad rates.
by Staff Writers on Jun 17, 8:21 AM
Programmatic block lists really don't serve direct sales the way many thought they would. The money is coming from different budgets, clients and strategies, says McClatchy's head of programmatic sales. It's like going to McDonald's, he explains.
by Staff Writers on Jun 17, 8:21 AM
Major media companies like Cox Media are not just competing with Google and Facebook for revenue but for talent. Multi-Market Vice President of Sales Eric Myers explains his new formula for getting the budget lines he needs to steal sales from his pure play competition.
by Staff Writers on Jun 17, 8:21 AM
As media company brand studios seek scale and business they need to partner with one another to help clients get reach. But the competitive dynamic still works against cooperation, even if the results are often superior.
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