by Staff Writers on Jan 23, 4:20 PM
There was some backing of TV but most on this panel are sure that digital is the future in marketing political candidates. "I don't know if I have to see someone on Instagram drinking a beer every single day," cracked panelist Zachary Moffatt, CEO, Targeted Victory.
by Staff Writers on Jan 23, 4:20 PM
Michael Steele, the former RNC chair, took note of how Democrats have kept their races very local. He spoke of one state race that pitted a trans woman against a conservative GOP candidate, who essentially ran against her sexuality. She ran on putting stoplights at certain intersections. Guess who won?
by Staff Writers on Jan 23, 4:20 PM
What do you look for in team members? "When I try to hire somebody, I'm looking for someone who just won't bullshit me. As long as you're telling me the truth, we can navigate an election cycle. You've got to pay them well. I want people who will stick with me cycle after cycle and learn with me."
by Staff Writers on Jan 23, 4:20 PM
Among the bold predictions these panelists made about the 2020 presidential election: There will be a woman elected president, YouTube will be the go-to platform as it particularly attracts people the Democrats want to reach, and there will be a huge shift toward text messaging and peer-to-peer texting on individual social channels.
by Staff Writers on Jan 23, 4:20 PM
"The key is, does the person want to get the text? As more people start using P2P texting, more campaigns will see people who don't want to get texts and there will be spam filters." Do you agree?
by Staff Writers on Jan 23, 4:20 PM
As they discussed voter turnout techniques, one panelist said GOTV is very tactical. It asks people to vote, then reminds them about it. It asks people to make a plan to vote. "We ran a lot of GOTV ads that didn't mention candidates, but made people confident that their vote mattered." Listen in.
by Staff Writers on Jan 23, 4:20 PM
In 2017, Danielle Butterfield, Director of Advertising, Priorities USA, wanted to build capacity inhouse. But given the turnaround, she didn't feel they could build a diverse and well-managed team. So, they built a training program. See what else she learned here.
by Nina Lentini on Jan 23, 4:20 PM
Here, the Republican National Committee's Doug Hochberg admits to being jealous of the other party. Find out why.
by Nina Lentini on Jan 8, 7:45 AM
At MediaPost's Email Insiders Summit in December 2018, Fender's Brian Schmidt presented a session on "Leveraging What You Already Have." Here, he speaks with editor Nina Lentini about how the brand is making sure it ties its digital space with its physical space, and more.
by Staff Writers on Jan 8, 7:45 AM
Zillow's Tara Clark moderated a panel discussion, "Engaging the Disengagement Battle," at MediaPost's Email Insiders Summit in December 2018. Here she talks about understanding the headwinds that can impact a brand without its knowledge as it enters the world of automation and AI.