Omnicom Media Group (OMG), Yahoo and Amplified Intelligence released a study Thursday that focuses on identifying when consumers pay attention to ads -- and when they don't.
Findings from the research conducted across Yahoo’s digital properties showed that 53% of all ad formats studied met viewability standards, but achieved less …
Interesting findings, Laurie. What's particularly important for advertisers to note is that a 15-second commercial on mobile---per this study--- generates only about 3-3.5 seconds of eyes-on-screen viewing by the audience which means that only 20% or so of the message is "watched". In contrast, TVision's "eye cameras" report roughly twice as much visually attentive time spent viewing ad messages of the same length for linear TV commercials. Clearly, this has a bearing on ad impact. Just as clearly, it suggests that mobile commercials need to be developed differently---to capture attention as quickly as possible---which may be a difficult proposition for many campaigns to deal with---especially those reying on moods, humor, product demonstration, etc.