2013: The End Of The Mommy Blogger?
    December editorials are traditionally packed with predictions for the following year and, therefore, I will proffer this one: 2013 may well be the end of the mommy blogger as we know her.
    The Perfect Alternative Gift For America's Youth? Get Fit, Together
    Historical legend traces Christmas gift-exchange to 4th-century Turkey when oranges were popular gifts due to their exotic rarity. Oranges may no longer have the cast of rarity, but moms know that gift fads often require expeditions. Moms have long struck out at daybreak, navigated blizzards, and braved crowds to obtain everything from Cabbage Patch Dolls to Xbox consoles.
    Her New Tablet
    Unless you've disconnected yourself from society recently, you've heard that the hot gift this year is a tablet computer. The choices are many. And, it seems most everyone is going to buy one ... or two or more. Projections for tablet purchase have been revised and revised again. By January, over 25% of U.S. households will have a tablet ... at least. And that number is only going up. Fast.
    The Choices She Makes
    One of the paradoxes of motherhood is that moms have no choice but to constantly choose - and baby names are only the beginning. We just released the results of our annual Baby Names Survey and the Top 100 Baby Names of the year. It's such a fun program, and consistently our most popular story. The data is based on the names of 450,000 babies born in 2012 (the most popular names were Sophia and Aiden) and a survey of 5,000 moms. As we've seen before, the influence of pop culture (the 50 Shades book series) and celebrity (the boy …
    Don't Be A Victim Of Holiday Hype
    We often hear of consumers falling into "holiday hype traps," but what about your business? It is easy for companies to get busy decking the halls and putting their marketing-to-mom strategies on hold for the season. But, successful marketing-to-mom strategies do not take a break during the holidays, and successful companies need to make sure that connecting with Mom stays top of mind even when our heads are filled with the excitement of seasonal promotions and activities. Here are things to keep in mind this holiday season.
    What Is Today's Networked Mom Thankful For?
    Today's networked mom is thankful for so many things. With the advances in technology and the advent of social media, she now has the tools at her disposal to share ideas, connect with others who share her passions and the ability to amplify her voice to affect change whether it's personal growth to sharing her voice for causes she is passionate about. The term "mommy bloggers" is simply not indicative of today's networked mom.
    On The Run
    If you think this blog post is about delivering your marketing messages to moms while she's running errands and carpooling to children, you might be surprised. It is about a mom running and about marketing to moms but the mom is me, and the run is my weekly long training run. It's that time of the year again when I ramp up my miles in preparation for a winter marathon. I take advantage of this time alone and often reflect on life. Since marketing to moms is such a big part of my everyday activities, it was the subject matter …
    Thankful For Time Spent Together All Year Long
    While we cherish the approaching holiday season as the time of year to spend quality time with friends and family, busy moms treasure special moments of family togetherness each and every day. Visualizing today's moms, the marketing images of time-pressured, over-stressed and economically stretched women tend to come to mind. However, the moments which are most salient to these hard-working moms are those daily opportunities when they can meaningfully connect with their children.
    Sleigh Bells Ring, Moms Are Listening
    If things go as predicted, this year's holiday season will be a jolly one for retailers. The National Retail Federation (NRF) is forecasting a 4.1% gain in spending over 2011, with the average holiday shopper dropping a total of $749.51. Total holiday spending is expected to reach $586.1 billion.
    Today They Just Want To Raise Happy Kids - But What About Tomorrow?
    Last week, I came across an article in the December issue of Vanity Fair, "The Parenting Trap," in which the author, A.A. Gill, laments the failings of the modern schooling system and the parental obsession with raising successful offspring. As he says, "No, scrap happiness-we'll settle for success. We gave up on happiness at about the age of six. Childhood is a war of attrition, like some grisly TV game show where the weak and the kind and the quixotic and the dreamers and the gentle get dumped at the end of each year. Only the gimlet-eyed and the obsessively …
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