by Bob Garfield on Apr 27, 7:26 AM
Hey, kids, let's play the Good News/Bad News game! At issue is the negotiations with BuzzFeed, National Geographic and "The New York Times" to host those publishers' content on Facebook itself -- not to link to the source, but to have the content actually reside on Facebook. The originating media company produces the content, but Facebook distributes it and sells the ads against it.
by Bob Garfield on Apr 20, 7:15 AM
This week marked the tenth anniversary of the publication in "Advertising Age" of "The Chaos Scenario," which predicted the utter disintegration of the global media-marketing economy. Unsurprisingly, some of its apocalyptic prophesies were received a bit skeptically -- especially by those with a vested interest in the status quo.
by Bob Garfield on Apr 13, 12:56 AM
You read about the Gawker story and got your dander up. The story I refer to was the item on Gawker about the item on BuzzFeed -- the righteous callout by Arabelle Sicardi of Unilever/Dove hypocrisy for patronizing women on the subject of "real beauty" while simultaneously selling them all sorts of crap falsely promising the unattainable fake beauty the campaign nominally scorns.
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