Pixar Animation Studios, which produced last summer's popular "Finding Nemo," said on Thursday that it was ending talks on continuing its 12-year partnership with the Walt Disney Company and would seek another studio to distribute its films, beginning in 2006.
Twenty years after the Super Bowl first became as big a day for advertising as it is for professional football, Madison Avenue is gearing up for what looks to be a cheerier, somewhat sillier and certainly more expensive version of the annual midwinter festival of commercialism.
The big boys in Motor City's sandbox, Hummer and Jeep, are rumbling again. Jeep, a division of DaimlerChrysler, is running a commercial that shows a group of children tooting around in toy Jeeps while an overweight boy struggles to get his go-cart Hummer out of the mud. Why would Jeep take a swipe at Hummer?
Premier Retail Networks has inked a deal with Fox News Channel for the service to become the exclusive "breaking-news" provider to Wal-Mart Television Network.
Over the next several years, DVRs, which record TV shows on hard drives instead of on videotapes, are set to hit the mainstream as cable and satellite operators start to offer them at huge discounts. With millions more viewers poised to sign up for DVR services, network executives have plenty to worry about these days. The threat is real: DVRs make recording shows and skipping commercials a snap.
A new sort of Pepsi Generation will get air time on the Super Bowl: music downloaders.
If Jon Stewart were roasting The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press' recent survey on his show, the accompanying graphic might read "The Young and the Newsless." According to the survey, only 23 percent of young people 18 to 29 say they get their election information from nightly network news coverage, down from 39 percent four years ago.
On the first day of Martha Stewart's criminal trial, her company received more bad news about its flagship magazine, Martha Stewart Living.
For many consumer advertisers, politics and nationalism have traditionally been touchy areas. But with widespread international concern about United States foreign policy, that may be changing.
It's almost like there are two Super Bowls this year. The real one on Feb. 1, which will air on CBS, is commanding $2.3 million per 30-second spot. NBC's version comes on Thursday, May 6 when the network airs the definitely final finale of the series Friends, selling at an astounding rate of $2 million per 30-second spot.