by Layton Han on Feb 28, 1:37 PM
If you look at the industry headlines these days, the majority of the stories are still focused on social and mobile - particularly for luxury brands. Experts agree that marketers should be banking on these new channels, which open up a world of opportunity with respect to data, targeting and round-the-clock access. I recommend an investment here, but I also recommend not putting all your eggs into the social/mobile basket just yet. While both are promising and will increasingly demand more budget, targeted display is still your "tried and true" and should still take the lion's share of your advertising …
by Stephen Kraus on Feb 20, 8:16 AM
This week, we're releasing our latest analyses of two widely cited government surveys: the 2010 Survey of Consumer Finances (a triennial study from the Federal Reserve Board), and the 2011 Consumer Expenditures Survey (an annual study from the Bureau of Labor Statistics). Our analyses of the raw unpublished data from these surveys paint a definitive portrait of wealth and spending concentration in America.
by Pat LaCroix on Feb 15, 3:37 PM
We New Englanders recently endured our largest blizzard in recent memory; providing much of the region the rare luxury of spending extended time at home with family. As Dad to both a toddler and infant boy, this extended time with the kids provided many moments of euphoria, melt-downs, exuberance and tantrums (thrown more by yours truly than I'm proud to admit.)
by Carol Banks Setter on Feb 8, 3:51 PM
This time of year, grandparents start thinking about Spring Break and the kind of travel they might do with their grandchildren. It's a great time to travel-everyone's ready for a break in routine and traveling in nearly any geographical direction offers many unique opportunities.
by Vijay Sundaram on Feb 6, 6:17 AM
Let's first dispel the myth that affluent consumers do not shop for deals. Research affirms the contrary. According to Nielsen Research, affluent households dominate coupon use. In 2009, for the first time, households with incomes above $100,000 were the primary drivers of the record coupon growth seen in that year. The economic downturn has since kept this trend alive. More than one-third of visitors to the Groupon and Living Social deal sites are college educated.
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