by Thomas Sychterz on Sep 28, 10:00 AM
Millennial shoppers wield an ever-increasing share of the dollars that are spent in the luxury market. Professionals have been looking for new ways to market their brands to these elusive customers in the hope of growing their customer base - all while conserving the exclusivity and prestige of their brands. How can luxury brands continue to build intimate relationships with their clients and brand ambassadors as they always have, but at a scale that generates a healthier bottom line?
by Rachel Spiegelman on Sep 21, 1:00 PM
Just look at this month's New York Fashion Week. Or actually, let's throw it back to the 1850's when top couture houses in France held private fashion shows for their most prized clients. The high-end fashion world has always been good at making sure no one outside of their exclusive circle has access to their products. Talk about defining affluence.
by Lena Bourgeois on Sep 14, 10:00 AM
Industries like insurance are struggling to capture the attention of younger generations because fewer of these consumers are conforming to the "normal" behaviors these marketers have come to expect. While marketers still have a massive base of older consumers to fall back on at the moment, surviving market disruption will come down to how they adapt to consumers' attitudes in both the near and distant future. For many businesses targeting the affluent, it's time to begin retooling their products and marketing strategies based on the preferences of the new generations.
by Pam Danziger on Sep 12, 11:00 AM
Specialty retailers, if you aren't convinced that you are positioned for the next big trend in retailing, then here is more proof. Another of the 'big boy' retailers, Neiman Marcus, is looking to a specialty retailer to help it restore some of its lost magic and learn some new tricks about how to sell in today's rapidly evolving retail landscape. Neiman Marcus just partnered with Story in New York City to tap its young, urban sophisticate customers and get some much needed buzz going about what it has to offer.
by Bob Shullman on Sep 7, 11:00 AM
As we start working with our new clients, we listen very carefully to how they define their current marketplaces and target audiences. According to Webster's dictionary, affluent means "having a large amount of money and owning many expensive things." When we follow up and ask marketers what they consider to be "a large amount of money," their responses usually focus either on their customers' household-income levels or their customers' net worth.
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