by Skip Brand on May 29, 9:48 AM
In the land of Burberry, Rolls Royce, Harrods and other iconic luxury brands, how are marketers reaching their audiences online? According to a recent study, not so differently than we're doing it on this side of the pond. The biggest difference? They're investing a lot more heavily in mobile than we are.
by Stephen Kraus on May 15, 12:41 PM
Despite ongoing economic concerns, the last few years have largely been good for the financial performance of luxury brands. And the good times will probably continue.
by Bob Shullman on May 8, 9:26 AM
Recently, I had the pleasure of presenting the results of our latest monthly pulse to luxury and affluent marketers in Chicago and New York. This ongoing, insights-oriented survey differs from others as it focuses on consumers' thinking about their lives and the economy, as well as their plans for the future. This, in turn, provides marketers with the context they need for the decisions to be made, delving into consumers' optimism about the economy, financial goals, worries, etc., plus probing issues of current interest in both the affluent/luxury marketplaces and the mass markets. In that context, I was frequently asked …
by Robyn Hannah on May 1, 12:22 PM
Offering incentives has proven be an effective motivator for attracting new customers and activating existing audiences who may be less than engaged. According to a study by Colloquy, participation in rewards and loyalty programs has risen by 19% since 2007. While many marketers are already on board with the idea that reward programs can influence behavior, incentive programs are often under-utilized when marketing to a more affluent consumer base.
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