The New York Times Company announced advertising revenue for the Company's Newspaper Group increased 16.7% in December 2002 compared with the same month in 2001, as a result of double-digit growth at
both The New York Times and The New England Newspaper Group. Advertising revenue for The New York Times increased 21.6% in December 2002 compared with December 2001. National advertising showed the
greatest increase, with strong gains in entertainment, telecommunications, books, healthcare/pharmaceutical and live entertainment advertising. Retail advertising rose due to gains in department
store, fashion jewelry and mass marketing advertising. Classified advertising revenue also grew this month because of gains in help-wanted advertising, which achieved positive year-over-year growth
for the first time since September of 2000, as well as increased auto and real estate advertising. Ad revenue for the New England Newspaper Group increased 17.8% for December 2002 compared with
December 2001. NENG saw strong growth in entertainment, automotive and corporate advertising, including banks, high-tech and telecommunications advertising. The increase in retail advertising revenue
was mainly because of growth in department and discount store advertising. Classified advertising was also up this month due to increased real estate, auto and help-wanted advertising. Advertising
revenue for the Regional Newspaper Group increased 1.2% for December 2002 compared with December 2001. Classified advertising revenue improved this month primarily due to increased auto volume