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"Lost" Hiatus Ends

After three months, "Lost" will return Wednesday with an eye to getting back its audience. The show has 16 new episodes in a new time slot on ABC at 10 p.m.

While producers promise great new episodes, there was a six-episode fall where ratings edged down and fans and TV critics grumbled. The unusual split season, done to eliminate reruns in response to complaints, has led to new gripes about a cramped fall schedule and long in-season hiatus.

Producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof say some episodes were great, but conceded a split season creates difficulties with a serial. But they note that a new episode every Wednesday through May offers the chance to re-engage viewers and could make the fall episodes look better. "I feel like we're a great football team that had a somewhat spotty preseason record, but now that we're playing for keeps, it's time to kick (butt) and take names," says Lindelof.



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