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Kid Obesity Report Postponed

  • Ad Age, Friday, July 6, 2007 11:15 AM
In a sign that big food and beverage marketers may be ready to make major concessions in how they market to kids, a task force report on child obesity is being postponed. Sens. Sam Brownback [R-Kan.] and Tom Harkin [D-Iowa] say the joint kids and obesity task force they formed with Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin and Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate will now come out in September.

The stated reason is that it will be outdated as the result of initiatives from food marketers that will be unveiled July 18. "The extension will allow for a more thorough examination of new initiatives that many food and beverage companies are coordinating, as well as a more comprehensive look at how all parties, especially the media, can work for the common good," says Brownback.

And Gary Knell, CEO of Sesame Workshop and volunteer coordinator of the task force, says he is getting indications that big changes are on the way. "I am led to believe that we will get some impressive commitments from major advertisers," he says, "... so we can begin to look at media companies as part of the solution, rather than part of the problem."



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