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Denver's Newspaper Ad Stalwart

The newspaper ad slump has taken its toll nationwide, but in Denver, one business seems to be keeping Mile High City print a going concern. While some major department stores and other firms are still advertising in Denver's two dailies (albeit at reduced levels, the American Furniture Warehouse runs in almost every edition of the Post and Rocky Mountain News -- and subscribers are apt to get their papers in AFW-logoed bags.

Much of that is due to company owner Jake Jabs' -- the only major advertiser who formally objected to the two papers joint operating agreement -- affection for the medium. According to marketing director Andrew Zuppa, the company spends "several million dollars" annually on ads, with 40% of that budget dedicated to print.

And Zuppa believes the supposedly antiquated newspaper ad can still be a force. "There are more and better filters for people to be able to weed out ads," he says. "But if you're getting a newspaper and you're reading it, you have no new filter for that ad. What other media can say that?"



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