• Comedy Is Hot Again. Will It Cool Down?
    The "big news" about the opening weeks of the 2011-12 television season is that comedy is hot again. It certainly is a good time for broadcast sitcoms, but how could it not be, with media magnet Ashton Kutcher stepping into CBS' "Two and Half Men" and ABC's "Modern Family" making its season-three debut four days after winning five Emmys -- not to mention all the well-deserved fuss surrounding that surprise Emmy win for Melissa McCarthy, star of "Mike & Molly," the comedy that follows "Men"?
  • Set-Top-Box Lexicon: Common Measurement Language -- Averages and Proportions
    CIMM is taking a pro-active role in advancing new media nomenclature and processes with both its Lexicon (terms and definitions associated with Set-Top Box data measurement) and Asset Identification Primer (glossary of asset terms). These documents form the basis of the Word-A-Week column which offers a common language for Set-Top Box nomenclature that can expedite the rollout of the data for its many industry applications.
  • Media Insights Q&A With RLTV's Hanna Gryncwajg
    Hanna Gryncwajg, the senior vice president of advertising sales for RLTV, is a sales professional whose extensive experience includes local and national broadcast, large and niche cable networks and even digital and entrepreneurial media outlets. She is a savvy strategist who seeks the addition of research in all of her sales materials. Hanna and I worked together in the early days of Bravo, where I saw how she adeptly captured the audience essence and sales advantage of the network through the use of research to great success.
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