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Mainstream Media Losing Ground in D.C.

  • Reuters, Thursday, February 12, 2009 9:45 AM

Mainstream media's coverage of Washington, D.C., has shrunk to the point where big stories are being left uncovered while niche media outlets catering to the interests of the wealthy few are moving in.

These specialized media outlets offer more detailed information than the general media to smaller, elite audiences, often built around narrowly targeted financial, lobbying and political interests. Some of these niche media companies are financed by high-priced subscriptions, others by image advertising from big companies like defense contractors, oil companies and mobile phone alliances trying to influence policymakers.

The number of local TV and radio stations with access to news from corporate news bureaus in Washington has fallen to 92 stations, down 37% from the mid-1980s. In contrast, the contingent of foreign reporters in Washington has grown about 10 times what it was a generation ago. Those influencing public policy have access to more information than ever, while Americans affected by those policies -- but not organized to shape them -- will be less informed.



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