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'60 Minutes' Sparks Controversy Over Movie Piracy

  • Techdirt, Monday, November 2, 2009 10:41 PM

CBS's "60 Minutes" report about video piracy on Nov. 1 has critics at Techdirt fuming. They say the report covered only the MPAA position, without any attempt to challenge the speakers or to include anyone who would present a counterpoint.

In the show, for instance, director Steven Soderbergh claims that "piracy is costing Hollywood $6 billion a year at the box office," but fails to mention that Hollywood has been making more at the box office every year the past few years.

"No one at "60 Minutes" thought to talk to anyone outside of the studio system to see if the claims made sense," says Techdirt. "It didn't talk to the growing number of people who are making movies and embracing file sharing to help get those movies seen. It didn't talk to copyright experts and consumer advocates."



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