'New York Times Opinion' To Launch TikTok Account

New York Times Opinion is launching an official TikTok account, bringing its opinion journalism to readers in a new way, the Times announced on Wednesday.

The account will be a visual representation of Times Opinion’s mission to highlight different voices and promote informed debate, the Times says.

The Times will post several videos per week on topics showing how outside forces are shaping peoples’ lives, from emerging policies, AI and even Taylor Swift, the Times says. 

And it will explore such questions as ““What one piece of culture captures the true spirit of America?” 

In addition, the account will feature the section’s voices and guest essayists, while incorporating incorporate graphics, video and audio journalism. 

The news comes as The Trevor Project reports new research showing that LGBTQ people of color, to name one group, feel safer on TikTok than other sites—53% do, compared to 45% of white LGBTQ young people.   





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