'MassGolfer' Magazine To Close This Spring

MassGolfer, the Massachusetts golf magazine, is being retired after 131 issues.

The scheduled MassGolfer Online Winter 2023-24 issue has been cancelled as the title prepares to launch a new publication this spring as a member benefit. 

The magazine has been appearing for 33 years. 

A free print title will remain part of the membership offering for all members with a mailing address on file.

“Our first feature story in 1990 was headlined BOOM! It covered the rapid growth and expansion to a roster of 60,000+ Mass Golf members, a robust 60% increase since the start of the 1980s,” writes Rick Dunfey, publisher and executive editor. 

Dunfey adds, “Come 2024, a stunning recent upsurge in the game’s popularity has tallied record totals of 123,000 Mass Golf members.”





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