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Online Video Is Effective Publicity

Company got a bad rep? Take a page from the book of Monsanto Co., a producer of engineered crops. The company sent camera crews to the Philippines, Australia and other countries where their genetically modified goods are produced to film testimonial from local farmers. These videos were then placed on the company's Web site.

Companies like Monsanto are often the target of protests by environmentalists, but the use of video helped show how genetically modified crops have actually made the lives of the local farmer better.

The PR effort illustrates one of the many uses of online video. There's a high demand for compelling video content out there--and it doesn't matter if a clip is promotional.

Corporations such as Sun Microsystems, General Motors and Wal-Mart are also using video to help boost their global image and communicate better with their business partners. Online video is effective and relatively cheap in delivering B-2-B messages. Because of this, ABI Research estimates the market for broadband video service providers will rise from $237 million to $1.87 billion in 2011.

Read the whole story at The Wall Street Journal »

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