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Wal-Mart Will Push Suppliers On Sustainability

  • USA Today, Friday, February 2, 2007 12:15 PM
Wal-Mart is introducing a "Global Innovation Projects" program that includes a challenge for Wal-Mart associates and suppliers to remove non-renewable energy from products the company sells. The company also will involve customers and communities in the sustainability effort.

Wal-Mart has come up with a scorecard to grade its suppliers' environmental progress and will "pick the ones moving in the right direction," according to CEO Lee Scott, who spoke yesterday at a London conference sponsored by Britain's Prince Charles. Still, customers make the ultimate decision with their purchase choices, Scott says.

Another aspect of the sustainability push is "zero waste." Scott says if food has to be destroyed, Wal-Mart associates will work with farms and others to see how it can be recycled. The company also is urging suppliers to recycle electronic waste. Scott says he's gotten strong support for the plan from major suppliers, including Unilever, PepsiCo and Universal Music.



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