FindWhat and Ingenio to Offer Pay Per Call Advertising

  • April 7, 2004
FindWhat announced yesterday an agreement with Internet telephony company Ingenio, Inc. to offer a new Pay Per Call advertising product. The new product would allow non-web-orientated business, e.g. companies that do not operate websites, to participate in paid search listings.

Rather than containing paid links, Pay Per Call advertisements within the FindWhat network will contain special phone numbers, provisioned through the Ingenio Platform, which connect to a merchant's location. Merchants would then be charged on a cost-per-call basis rather than using the traditional cost-per-click structure.

Pay Per Call would also provide current online businesses with another advertising vehicle to generate sales. The companies expect the service to launch in Q3 of 2004, as they work to deploy the Ingenio platform through the FindWhat Network.

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