Marketing Politics Weekly
Friday, February 2, 2024
  • There's A News Cycle Born Every Minute

    I imagine Trump reading Memo's new report and gloating over how bigly his numbers are. Read the whole story

  • What Is There Left To Say About Taylor Swift?

    Nothing on the left -- but the right has been spouting some bizarre theories of politicized cuckoo. Read the whole story

  • 1976

    Sure, that was a great year, but in this case, the number represents the days since I said I wouldn't publish Trump's name under … Read the whole story

  • Senators Seek To Curb Big Techs' Legal Shield

    "Of all the people in America we could give blanket liability protection to, this would be the last group I would pick," Senator Lindsey … Read the whole story

  • Are There Persuadables?: The Lincoln Project's Anti-MAGA Media Plan

    As culture wars rage, polarization hardens, clustering congeals, it is a fair question whether there are any persuadable "swing voters" to target in the … Read the whole story

  • How To Reach Persuadables IRL

    While persuadability may be in the eye of the beholder, out-of-home measurement firm Geopath is using party-leaning independents as a reasonable proxy for targeting … Read the whole story

  • What Would Happen If We Let AI Vote?

    If democracy relies on crowds' aggregation of data, and if AI processes data more efficiently, why shouldn't AI decide our government lineup? Read the whole story

  • LP Says The Verdict Is In: Supporting Trump Is Supporting A Sex Assaulter

    The Lincoln Project's new ad highlighting the verdict in the E. Jean Carroll case will target Republican women voters in key swing states. Read the whole story

  • Help Ukraine Now

    For one, call your representatives and senators. Tell them they should support more military and economic aid for Ukraine. Read the whole story