Before marketers were scrambling to decode the needs and desires of the gigantic millennial audience, there were baby boomers. And as the boomers aged, their influence remained. Read the whole story
The Chicago-based publisher of 'Chicago Tribune' and 'New York Daily News,' among others, is believed to be changing its name back to Tribune Publishing, … Read the whole story
Vox Media is folding Racked, the retail website it acquired in 2013, into the Vox website as a a new vertical focused on consumer … Read the whole story
Part of her company's expansion includes a new sponsored video series called "Getting There" for women's media brand The Skimm. Read the whole story
IBM iX and Mediaocean believe it can -- and have launched a blockchain platform to find out. Unilever is participating in a pilot phase … Read the whole story
The U.S., long the biggest contributor to worldwide ad spending, will continue to represent a disproportionate share of the ad industry's global expansion, according … Read the whole story