
The Seven-Figure, Er, Man?

That’s “Fred,” according to Google’s Naughton, referring to the ubiquitous, but obnoxious YouTube channel character. Fred, if you don’t have a 15-year-old at home, or haven’t been to a YouTube executive keynote presentation in the past year or so, is the most popular “channel” on YouTube, with 1 million subscribers.

Fred, of course, is a 15-year-old video nerd who portrays a precocious 6-year-old, and somehow has generated a mass, global following â€" with advertisers, as well as consumers.

Naughton noted he’s commanding seven-figures now, and has already generated “5 to 10 million ad-supported views.”

So when Ken Fadner and Daisy Whitney ask where the dollars are, apparently, they’re with Fred.

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