comScore, ForeSee Track Online Competition

Traditional media turns to Competitive Media Reporting for the scoop on their competitors. Online media now has a place to go, too.

comScore Networks, Inc. and ForeSee Results, on Monday announced a partnership to deliver a competitive intelligence capability for measuring customer satisfaction across competitive websites. According to the official announcement, this new strategic management tool combines the customer satisfaction methodology employed by ForeSee Results with the survey and continuous measurement technology developed by comScore.

More simply, comScore spokesman Graham Mudd explained, the partnership allows a company to "gauge their competitors' customer satisfaction metrics." He said that until now, ForeSee has been very successful doing customer satisfaction surveys for their clients, but what they haven't been able to do is offer their clients data of their competitors' sites.

"What we're matching up is their methodology to our ability to survey visitors to any major site." Graham says

ForeSee Results' methodology measures the drivers of online customer satisfaction, overall satisfaction and what users are likely to do as a result of their Web experience. In addition, ForeSee Results determines the impact that incremental changes to a website will have on overall satisfaction and future behavior of users.

This information allows companies to not only gauge current performance, but also identify strategies that will deliver the largest returns based on improvements in customer satisfaction.

The new service is available from comScore on a custom report basis.

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