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Google's Privacy Comments May Have Been Taken Out of Context

  • The Verge, Thursday, August 15, 2013 9:19 AM
Google's comments that Gmail users should not expect privacy, which came out yesterday may have been taken out of context. The comments from a June lawsuit were brought to light yesterday by Consumer Watchdog, a consumer rights advocacy group. The quote, "a person has no legitimate expectation of privacy in information he voluntarily turns over to third parties," was interpreted to mean that Google does not care about consumer privacy, but read in the context of the argument, Google is explaining that emails are processed by a server. "Just as a sender of a letter to a business colleague cannot be surprised that the recipient's assistant opens the letter, people who use web-based email today cannot be surprised if their emails are processed by the recipient's [email provider] in the course of delivery," explains the entire statement.

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