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Trump Considers Charging CNN For His Presence In December Debate

Donald Trump, the top Republican in the primary race, is thinking about charging CNN $5 million to appear in the Dec. 15 Republican debate. He made the statement to a crowd in Georgia, then promised to give the proceeds to wounded warriors or veterans. Trump has said similar things before. Prior to the September CNN debate, he considered asking for $10 million, which he would have split between 10 different charities.

Read the whole story at The Washington Post »

1 comment about "Trump Considers Charging CNN For His Presence In December Debate".
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  1. Richard Barwis from Cornerstone Media, Inc., December 1, 2015 at 12:45 p.m.

    Why pay Donald Trump to provide him with more free publicity? I suggest charging him $5-million for the publicity the event will generate. Or simply leave him off the stage and let the other candidates discuss their ideas and positions. Someone needs to stand up to Trump and have him understand the rules also apply to him, he's not all that special -- and he's running for public office not a CEO job in Silicone Valley.

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