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Gen Y 101

  • USA Today, Tuesday, November 8, 2005 1:30 PM
The "wired" generation is coming to a cubicle near you--but perhaps they've already made it there. A force of approximately 70 million strong, Generation Y is the future of this country, and they're all under 30, which means they're just now embarking on their careers. According to Bruce Tulgan, who heads up a think tank called Rainmaker Thinking, Gen Yers are vastly different from previous generations. The most defining characteristic of Gen Y--which comes as no surprise--is the ease with which they use and adapt to technology. Aside from this, they're fiercely competitive--but they also see their colleagues as primary resources for information. This group is made up of goal-oriented, serial multitaskers able to juggle three to four things at once; they aim to please but also have high expectations of their employers, and they want jobs that coincide with the flexibility afforded by new technology (after all, there's more to life than work, right?). They're also used to asking questions and speaking their mind, they like to dress casually, and they expect to change jobs frequently. Currently this generation represents the fastest-growing segment of an increasingly multigenerational workforce, up to 21 percent from 14 percent four years ago, or approximately 32 million people.

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