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Real Moves Rhapsody Online

Real Networks is creating an online version of its Rhapsody digital music service, enabling people who haven't downloaded the software to test the service. Whereas Apple's industry-leading iTunes is a music store, Rhapsody is a subscription service, which lets consumers stream an unlimited number of songs on their computers for a flat monthly fee. Because Rhapsody has thus far been software-based, consumers haven't been able to try it as easily as they could a Web-based service, which requires no download. The move immediately opens up the service to a broader audience, and should result in more subscriptions for Real Networks. Interestingly, Microsoft, which shut down its music store, has agreed to promote Rhapsody through its Media player software and on the MSN Music site as part of its recent antitrust settlement with Real. Consumers using the Web-based service will not be able to download songs, although any member wishing to send a link to their friends allowing them to stream a favorite song can do so.

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