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Microsoft To 'Step Up' Investment In Content

Microsoft built its empire selling software in boxes you install on a Windows-enabled PC. Now it's moving its business over to the Web, opening itself to competition like never before. Many believe the software giant has now become the underdog to Google, the undisputed king of Internet advertising, which is the very business model the new pretenders need to adopt. In many cases, the software and products offered by Google are free, supported by advertising in some cases, and in others, supported by nothing other than Google's playful, unassuming, but prominent brand name. It would seem that this new battle between the two is about contentand thus, advertising, which is a very good thing for the folks in our business. Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's CEO, said the company will be "stepping up" its investment in content, when he spoke at its Strategic Summit recently. That means more content on MSN's pages and more spending on software for its video game console, the XBox 360.

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