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Semel: Yahoo Won't Produce Shows

Yahoo no longer has any interest in producing television-like content for the Web, company CEO Terry Semel reiterated Thursday. Two years after hiring Hollywood big shot Lloyd Braun for exactly that purpose, one wonders what, exactly, Braun is up to these days. In 2004 Braun was hired by Yahoo to run its media group; the company then decided to move its content units to Hollywood country at MGM's former headquarters in Santa Monica, Calif. However, it would appear as though these shifts have yet to bear any fruit. In Kevin Sits from the Hot Zone, Yahoo only has one original content program that could be qualified as a hit. Instead of rolling out new programs, the giant Web portal has largely stuck to its guns, licensing content from several news outlets across different categories. It has other original programming in the finance, sports, and travel categories. Semel said Yahoo has turned down opportunities to create TV-like reality shows. "If what we do looks like television, then we're making a huge mistake," he declared, adding the company will continue to focus its strengths on distributing and adding interactivity to user-generated and licensed content.

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