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Online Marketing The Prescription For Drugmakers

  • eMarketer, Wednesday, August 16, 2006 12:30 PM
As more consumers make the Internet their first choice for medical information, online spending by pharmaceutical marketers will increase almost 25 percent this year to $780 million, projects eMarketer in a new report. With nearly 100 million Americans using the Internet to find health information in 2005, health-focused portals are poised to become the next big vertical market. Leaders such as WebMD will soon be joined by Revolution, a consumer health site backed by former AOL founder Steve Case. As they attempt to develop relationships with consumers, drug company sites are evolving with the times. "Pharmaceutical marketers are giving their sites the look and feel of social-niche networks," says eMarketer senior analyst Lisa Phillips. Potential users find self-assessment checklists, support networks and more drug information. Visitors can post comments, and share suggestions and stories about their own experiences. Instead of drug-based sites, communities are springing up for diabetes, weight loss, etc. The balance for marketers is to use the new platforms without violating FDA and other federal guidelines.



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