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Michael Nicholas

Member since October 2015Contact Michael

Michael has founded or led various agencies, start-ups and strategy groups for the past 15+ years. From from US to Europe to Asia, he has developed creative communication and technology experiences for companies including adidas, Coca-Cola, Nokia, Motorola & Samsung. An active entrepreneur, Michael is a founder and partner at farm, an innovation consultancy connecting brands and technology start-ups and a was co-founder of Weathermob, the mobile, global, crowd-sourced weather platform. Today Michael is the Entrepreneur in Residence at MDC Partners and the Chief Experience Officer of Assembly.

Articles by Michael All articles by Michael

  • How Apple TV Will Get Away With Murder in MediaDailyNews on 10/15/2015

    Although Apple TV is not a TV-killer in the most direct user experience comparison, I think it's going to challenge TV's 75-year-old history. Ladies and gentlemen, enter the Apple News iOS application, the new native app released with iOS9 that will change the media model of television.

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