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Mother's Day Gift Pitch Via Facebook

Online florists Teleflora and are launching ambitious social media campaigns on Facebook and Twitter this Mother's Day to make the gifting process easier for consumers. "The idea is that your flowers can say exactly what you want them to say," said chief marketing officer Laurie McCartney, adding that site visitors can choose from cards like "sassy" and "sweet."

Rival 1-800-Flowers is turning to display, social and mobile media advertising to drive Mother's Day sales. Kevin Ranford, director of Web marketing at the company, said 1-800-Flowers has implemented a new feature where consumers can make floral purchases directly via Facebook new feeds. 1-800-Flowers launched a "shop" tab on its Facebook fan page last summer, but found that it wasn't effective unless it was actively promoting and incorporating the tab into users' feeds, Ranford said.



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