Facebook and one high school football coach

Las Vegas, NV – Facebook forces up a lot of privacy issues questions these days – both good and bad for some users.

At the Nielsen's Consumer 360 conference here, one question arose from a executive who said a high school football team's coach was using Facebook to identify-- and punish – players who were found to be drinking during the season, players who would post pictures of themselves in the act on the social networking area.

Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer, of Facebook, said: "At every point in history, technology changes the social mores." Sandberg believes years from now people will look back nostalgically at what seemed to be important at the time.

Sandberg went on to say: "We hire a lot of kids of out college. All of them have pictures of themselves drinking in college. We wouldn't have too many employees if we didn't hire college kids."


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