Jupiter Media Metrix has released the first installment of its weekly Holiday 2001 E-Commerce Series, revealing the most comprehensive online retail results for the week of Thanksgiving, including the
anticipated shopping weekend starting with Black Friday. The number of different people visiting shopping sites at home and at work during Thanksgiving week increased by 43% compared to the same week
last year, with the Jupiter Media Metrix Online Shopping Index climbing from 35.2 million unique visitors to 50.2 million. Compared to last year, traffic to retail sites on Black Friday were up 68% to
16.1 million unique visitors, while visitors on Saturday were up 59% to 15.3 million and visitors on Sunday were up 55% to 16.1 million. Similar to last year, the peak shopping days this year were
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, when there were 21.2 million, 20.2 million and 18.9 million visitors, respectively. Thanksgiving day had the least amount of shopping activity with 13.7 million